- Cultural Codes Full Rough Draft for Advanced Composition. Due: 11-4
- Democratic Vistas Position Paper 2 on Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee. Due 11-4
- Cultural Codes Final Paper due 11-6 at 5pm
- Physics Test #3 - 11-8
- Proposal for "History of the English Language" (ENGL 4000) research paper - maybe this wouldn't be too bad if I had a topic. :) Due: 11-8
- Science Seminar Paper: I finally narrowed it down to two topics and I'm going to the library tomorrow. The paper must be at least 10 pages with 3 outside sources. Due: 11-11
- receiving another Take Home Exam for H.E.L on 11-12 Due 11-19
- H.E.L. Research Paper. Due 11-29
- Creative nonfiction Final due on 12-1
- Democratic Vistas Final Long Paper Due 12-8
- Creative nonfiction Book Review Due 12-10
- Physics Final 12-13
That will see me through till the end of the semester. It seems like so much in a list, but I know I can handle it. At least I don't really have to study for Physics, I just have to do the Lab Papers and Pre-Labs once a week. I really don't want to have to take Physics 2, but I don't have any other choice because Writing as a Profession (the capstone of my curricula) and Ecology 2, the other science I took, are only offered every other year, so they wouldn't be offered again until after my projected graduation date. Therefore, I can't take a science this Spring, and I have to wait until next Spring when I'm writing my thesis and trying to graduate to finish my sciences for this retard school. So, I'll have all writing classes next semester, except for Thesis Research Methods. Here's my classes that I plan to take:
That's 19 credit hours, which means I only have to take 14 for one of my semesters in my final year, which might help with that lab I'm supposed to take, and thesis, but I have to reorganize my schedule to show what I've already taken and what I'm projected to take.
Well, I better get going, I have to see about working on my proposal and getting some sleep since I didn't go see Rocky Horror Picture Show tonight. . .And it's not playing tomorrow. . .And that's sad. I wanted to go see it, but Aaron didn't, and well. . .We watched History of the World Part one instead. . .He says he thought it was tomorrow night, but I kept saying tonight, so I guess he just misheard or misunderstood me. . .It doesn't matter. I might go cry now. . .I need a god cry to get all the stress and frustration out of my system. . .At least I'm going back on my regular birth control pills now so I won't be as hormonally imbalanced. Sometimes I wonder if Aaron and I will stay together forever. I mean, I love him, but sometimes I get so frustrated that it seems like it might be over any day. . .And others, I can't wait to see him again. I guess that's just part of relationships and being so young. I mean, I'm 20 years old now and my hormones haven't balanced yet. . .But that could just be because I'm a late bloomer. It doesn't matter, really. . .And I have to go now.
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