Thursday, March 11, 2010

Little Miss Matched

Those of you who know me personally know that I like lots of bright colored socks.  I ran across a company recently that caters to that whimsy.  It's called Little Miss Matched and they carry lots of different styles of socks, including sport length, knee high, and anklets.  More specifically, however, their socks don't come in pairs.  They come in sets of three, designed to be mixed and matched as the mood strikes.  You can see some of the new line below.  They have similar colors and styles, so that they match, but don't.

So, for the second year now,  the company is holding a competition for new socks.  You have to design 3 mismatched socks for one set.  You can send in as many entries as you want and they hold a online vote for the winners.  The winner gets like BIG BUCKS and to see their socks in the new line.  I've done two full color sets so far and I have another drawn to color, so I thought I would share my socks with my readers!  I'll post one from each of the two I've finished because I don't want to give away all of them -- just in case anyone out there wants to attempt to steal them from me.  I'll keep everyone posted on the deadlines and such and I'll post more later.

Ja ne!

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